Patentcenter feature request: direct link from “success” page to documents page

One of the things that I always do after I have e-filed something in Patentcenter is to go and look in IFW to see just what USPTO received from me.  I want to check it to make sure I filed what I meant to file.  I want to make sure that the PDF image did not get degraded or converted to a blank page (as occasionally happens).  And in most cases I want to download what the USPTO received from me and send it to the client so that the client can see exactly what the USPTO received.  

This requires copying an application number and doing multiple mouse clicks, and eventually reaching a screen where I can paste in the application number and then click some more to get to IFW.  And only then am I able to see what the USPTO received from me in the e-filing.

So here’s the feature request.  On the “success” page where Patentcenter says I have successfully e-filed something, can there please be a “deep link” that goes directly to the IFW screen for the particular patent application in which I just e-filed something?

I could then for example right-click on it and open a new page and I could see what the USPTO received from me.

This is Patentcenter feature request FR2.

Would you find this feature helpful?  Please post a comment below.

Patentcenter ticket tracking

Those who regularly use EFS-Web and Private PAIR need to be joining the beta-testers of Patentcenter.  You need to do this because eventually USPTO will shut down EFS-Web and Private PAIR.  You need to find the bugs in Patentcenter and you need to figure out what features need to be requested in Patentcenter.  To this end you should probably join the Patentcenter listserv.  And to this end I have set up two very simple pages:

If you find a bug in Patentcenter that you think needs to be listed on the trouble tickets page, join the listserv and bring it up there.  Members of the listserv can then add it to the trouble ticket page.  Similarly if you think of a feature that needs to be added to Patentcenter, bring it up in the listserv and we can then add it to the feature requests page.


Patentcenter web-based Form 85B is broken three ways

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(Update May 12, 2020:  now it is broken only two ways.  The initial cap for the city name has been fixed.)

USPTO will eventually shut down EFS-Web and the only patent e-filing system available to applicants will be Patentcenter.  So it behooves all of us to take the present opportunity to beta-test Patentcenter as fully as we can, to try to get USPTO to fix its defects and to try to get USPTO to make it user-friendly.  (Probably this means you should join the Patentcenter listserv.)  Here is a defect that I keep running into in Patentcenter, namely that the web-based Form 85B drops the initial capitalization for the city name for the assignee.  I reported this to the USPTO a year ago and it has still not been fixed.  But there are two other ways that this feature of Patentcenter is broken.  Continue reading “Patentcenter web-based Form 85B is broken three ways”

Patentcenter Corrected ADS is broken in at least three ways

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(Update.  The developers quietly removed this feature from Patentcenter on about May 10.  See blog article.)

One of the features of EFS-Web is the web-based Corrected ADS (quoted at right).  You enter an application number and confirmation number and EFS-Web will construct for you a Corrected ADS with strikethroughs and underscores compliant with 37 CFR § 1.76. 

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Patentcenter has a corresponding function (quoted at right).  But this Patentcenter function is broken — it loses things and does not tell you that it lost them. (There are also two other broken things about the Patentcenter Corrected ADS function as I will discuss below.)  Until USPTO fixes the software, you need to be extremely cautious if you decide to try using the Corrected ADS function in Patentcenter.  I will discuss it now in more detail, with some background from EFS-Web as well. Continue reading “Patentcenter Corrected ADS is broken in at least three ways”

“Send email” button still missing from Patentcenter

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Users of EFS-Web are accustomed to the notion that any time we e-file anything, once we have finished we can click a button to send an email.  In my office the routine is that the filer clicks the button to send an email message to the docket desk so that they know what got e-filed.

The alpha testing of Patentcenter began in autumn of 2018.  From the beginning of Patentcenter, there were some e-filing paths that would finish with no email button.  There were only a few of us alpha testers and we all brought this up to the USPTO.  There really needed to be an email button! 

There are some e-filing paths in Patentcenter that do lead to a place where the user can click a “send email” button.  But even now in 2020 there are e-filing paths in Patentcenter that lead to a place where the “send email” button is conspicuously absent.

One of USPTO’s stated design goals is “if you can do it in EFS-Web we will make it so that you can do it in Patentcenter”.  This goal has not been met for the “send email” button.  One hopes that eventually USPTO will get Patentcenter fixed so that there is a “send email” button every time the filer has successfully e-filed anything.

(Another of USPTO’s stated design goals is “if you can do it in Private PAIR we will make it so that you can do it in Patentcenter”.)

Is it a problem for you that some of the e-filing paths in Patentcenter finish with no “send email” button?  Please post a comment below.  (This is ticket number CP6.)

Supplemental Content missing in Patentcenter (corrected by USPTO on a Sunday)

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(Update:  See update at the end of the blog article.)

There’s a very important database at the USPTO called Supplemental Content or SCORE.  If you look up any particular patent application in PAIR or in Patentcenter, what gets listed for SCORE for that patent application should be absolutely identical.  But strikingly often, they are not at all identical. 

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For example here is a case that has three drawings files in SCORE according to PAIR, but according to Patentcenter this same case supposedly has nothing in SCORE.

SCORE is very important.  This is where your high quality drawings end up in your design patent applications.  This is where your sequence listings end up.

I have dropped an email to with the application number, asking EBC to please open a ticket to get this fixed so that Patentcenter will show my SCORE files.

Have you checked all of your cases that have SCORE content?  Do they show your SCORE content in Patentcenter?  If not, you might want to get in touch with the EBC to get it fixed.  And please post a comment below.

Update:  I posted this on a Sunday, yesterday.  The missing Score material included two files that I e-filed yesterday, as well as a file that had been in the case from more than a year earlier.  The screen shot above shows that the file from more than a year ago was missing in Score in Patentcenter as of yesterday.  About two hours after I posted this blog article, without any explanation from the USPTO, the Score file from a year ago suddenly for the first time became visible in Patencenter, along with the new newly e-filed files.