Here I offer the slides from today’s PCT Update. Slide 8 talks about the July 1, 2019 rules change which I covered in this blog article.
Here I offer the slides from today’s PCT Update. Slide 8 talks about the July 1, 2019 rules change which I covered in this blog article.
(Update: three years later it seems the DO/EO/US people need to be reminded about PCT Declaration Number 4. See blog article.)
I am providing some training material free of charge to the USPTO. The training material, which relates to PCT Declaration Number 4 under PCT Rule 4.17, is prompted by a mistake that a nameless person at the USPTO made in one of our cases today. Continue reading “Training material for the USPTO”
(You can see the slides here.)
(Updated to include some of the topics.)
It has just now been announced that in just about 24 hours, Matthias Reischle-Park of WIPO will deliver a free-of-charge webinar entitled:
I have learned informally what some of the topics will be:
I gather it will last about an hour. My guess is that if you are a PCT enthusiast or power user, you should attend. I plan to attend.
To register for the webinar, click here.
Here are some things that might possibly get your subscription to our listservs (email discussion groups) working again.
This follows up on my earlier postings here and here and here.
Continue reading “Getting your listserv subscription working again”
(Update: See a followup message here about a step that you might take to try to get the listservs working for you again.)
For those who are following my travails trying to get ISPs to accept our listserv email messages now that we are on our dedicated server (original post and update) … this posting about “munging” may be of interest. Others are invited to skip this posting as being even more geeky than usual. Continue reading “Listserv update – I turned on “munging””