How to choose which subject for binge-watching?

PCT enthusiasts now have two subjects to choose from for binge-watching.  Just today I finished the video editing of the sixteenth webinar in the recently finished sixteen-webinar series on ePCT.  As a consequence, as of today, a PCT enthusiast may, if desired, binge-watch more than nineteen hours of webinar video about ePCT.  (You can see it here.)

This parallels the over fourteen hours of webinar video about PCT (as distinguished from ePCT) that are available for binge-watching here.  Yes, the PCT enthusiast has not one but two subjects available for binge-watching.

Learn how to receive ISA/EP correspondence electronically rather than by postal mail

Do you sometimes pick ISA/EP when you file a PCT application?  Is it a source of frustration that the communications from ISA/EP arrive only slowly, via postal mail, rather than electronically?  Would you like to learn how to set things up with an electronic EPO mailbox so that you can receive your ISA/EP communications electronically instead of by slow postal mail?  Continue reading “Learn how to receive ISA/EP correspondence electronically rather than by postal mail”

Recordings of many recent ePCT webinars are now available

I am by now part way through a series of sixteen webinars about the ePCT system.  Thirteen of the webinars have been presented, and there are three more webinars that you can register for (click here to register).  We were successful in recording the first thirteen webinars and the recordings have been edited into presentable form and have been posted for viewing.  So if you missed any of the first thirteen webinars, you can view the recording.  Here are the topics and links for viewing the thirteen recordings that have been posted so far. Continue reading “Recordings of many recent ePCT webinars are now available”

Who would find these four webinars to be of interest?

click to purchase

(Update:  now you can sign up for the four webinars! )

At this link you can see a plan for four webinars.  The goal is to cover the PCT forms that PCT applicants and agents receive most often.  Each webinar will be 90 minutes in length.  The goal is to cover the forms listed and discussed in Oppedahl on PCT Forms and PCT Docketing, shown at right.

The question is, would anybody actually want to attend these four webinars?  That’s what I would like to know.  I invite people to post a comment below.

Sign up for EPO webinar: PCT for US paralegals and patent agents

If you are a PCT user, you need to register for a webinar which EPO will present on May 9, 2023.  You can read about it, and you can register, here.

The webinar will take place starting at 10AM Mountain Time on Tuesday, May 9.  The webinar is free of charge.

The European Patent Office (EPO) is offering a 1½-hour online seminar for US paralegals and agents dedicated to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). This seminar is an opportunity to find out more about the services provided by the EPO and the latest developments in the PCT system as well as getting practical information on the related EPO’s online services.  Topics to be discussed include:

    • PCT procedure before the EPO as International Authority including practical examples
    • Payments and Reimbursement
    • New secure online access
    • Online filing possibilities
    • Electronic Mailbox for PCT agents/applicants
    • Questions & Answers

I think that for most US attendees, the most interesting topic will be EPO’s upcoming enhancements and improvements to its “electronic mailbox” system.  This is the system that permits the applicant to receive ISA/EP and IPEA/EP communications instantly rather than having to wait for such communications to arrive via postal mail.  This includes things like the ISR/WO and an Invitation to Pay Additional Fees.

Five more ePCT webinars available for signup

Many readers have signed up for the first eight webinars about ePCT.  (Details here.)  Now I have scheduled dates for five more of the webinars.  Here are the dates and times, and here are the links to register:

    • Webinar 9.  Thursday, April 27, 2023, 10AM Mountain Time.  Filing a new US PCT application in RO/IB using ePCT.  Click to register.
    • Webinar 10.  Tuesday, May 2, 2023, 10AM Mountain Time.  ePCT actions and communications with the IB.  Click to register.
    • Webinar 11.  Thursday, May 11, 2023, 10AM Mountain Time.  External signatures and PCT declarations.  Click to register.
    • Webinar 12.  Thursday, May 18, 2023, 10AM Mountain Time.  Sequence listings and ePCT.  Click to register.
    • Webinar 13.  Thursday, June 1, 2023, 10AM Mountain Time.  Docketing of PCT applications and making use of ePCT notifications.  Click to register.  Suggested companion purchase.

Time of day at the IB returns to normal for US filers

Two weeks ago I blogged (see blog posting) that US filers filing PCT applications in RO/IB needed to pay extra close attention to what time it is in Switzerland.  (And it was the same for e-filers in the Madrid Protocol system.)  The reason is that in the US, Daylight Saving Time happened on March 12.  But did not happen on that day in Switzerland.  This meant that for the past two weeks, a US-based filer in (for example) the Mountain Time zone would be able to e-file in RO/IB as late as 5PM and still get a same-day filing date.  This differed from the usual drop-dead time of 4PM.

Today (March 26, 2023) is the day that Daylight Saving Time happens in Switzerland.  The consequence of this is that the time difference between the US filer’s time zone and the time in RO/IB is back to normal.  So for a US-based filer in the Mountain Time zone, the drop-dead time returns today to the usual 4PM.

Paralegals! Try to get your attorneys to sign up for this webinar

This blog article is directed to paralegals and legal assistants and secretaries and administrative assistants.

I am going to make a stab-in-the-dark guess that at least one of your attorney bosses is avoiding learning about ePCT because they want to assume that you will be the one who keeps on top of knowing how to use ePCT.  Continue reading “Paralegals! Try to get your attorneys to sign up for this webinar”