Upcoming webinars

Here are some webinars that I plan to offer in the next few weeks. If you want to be sure to hear about it when I schedule a particular webinar, please be sure to subscribe to this blog.  To hear about upcoming PCT-related webinars, be sure to subscribe as well to the PCT listserv.

  • Get Patents Fast
  • Don’t end up like the owner of that CRISPR patent
  • Docketing PCT
  • Picking a PCT Searching Authority
  • Picking a PCT Receiving Office
  • Making smart use of PCT Declarations
  • National phase or bypass continuation?
  • Sequence listings

Maybe there are other topics you would also like to see. If so, post a comment below or drop me an email.


Reflecting on the “eighty-four practitioners and applicants” letter

I have had a moment to reflect upon the letter that just got sent from Eighty-four Practitioners and Applicants to the Executive Director of the European Union Intellectual Property Office.  (You can read about it here.)

I am very proud and honored to be among the eighty-four signers of this letter. I am personally acquainted with some of the signers.

One of the signers whose name I recognize is an individual who filed one design application in EUIPO and then filed in the US and had to go to a lot of trouble to obtain a physical certified copy to perfect the priority claim in the US. That individual knows as well as anyone does, what a benefit will flow to the design community if and when EUIPO joins DAS.

Other signers whose names I recognize include some of the leading lights in the world of very experienced design protection practitioners, some of whom were serving design clients long before I ever was.

Thank you to those who signed. Let’s hope that the EUIPO chooses to join DAS and chooses to do it soon.


Eighty-four practitioners and applicants ask EUIPO to join DAS

The letter to Christian Archambeau, the Executive Director of EUIPO, garnered eighty-four signatures and got sent out today by Priority Mail Express.  You can see a PDF scan of the letter here and you can track the courier package here.  The letter got delivered on April 24, 2020.  Here is the “ask”:

We write to you as design practitioners and applicants for protection of industrial designs. Many of the undersigned are members of the Industrial Designs Listserv, a community of design practitioners.

We are writing to request that the European Union Intellectual Property Office become a participating office in the WIPO Digital Access Service (DAS).

We thank you for your consideration of this request.

Trademark Office snoozes through yet another non-domicile application

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Here is a UPS Store at 3020I Prosperity Church Road in Charlotte, North Carolina.  It only takes a couple of mouse clicks to figure out that this address is a UPS Store, from the US Postal Service API as quoted below. (This street address is ratted out in the Postal Service lookup system to be a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency.)  

The Trademark Office has made much of its desire to force each of its trademark applicants to reveal to the Trademark Office where he or she sleeps at night.  Given that with a couple of mouse clicks, or a couple of lines of computer code, the Trademark Office could ferret out UPS Stores like this, why does the Trademark Office not do so?  See for example trademark application number 88745467 (TSDR record) in which the Trademark Office mailed an Office Action yesterday.  Conspicuous by its absence in the Office Action is any mention of the fact that the applicant has not revealed to the Trademark Office where it sleeps at night.

This reminds us of yesterday’s blog article where the Trademark Office similarly snoozed through a case of a trademark applicant having failed to reveal where it sleeps at night.

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Learning to be paperless with PCT (Covid-19 issues)

(Followup:  You can download the presentation slides and you can view a recording of the webinar.  For more information see this blog article.)

Many readers of this blog are already set up to be paperless in all of their PCT activities.  This blog article is directed specifically to those who had not, until now, gotten set up to be paperless with PCT.  Such filers are affected by this announcement today from WIPO:

Due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the operations of the International Bureau and of postal systems worldwide, the International Bureau, also in its function as receiving Office, has suspended the sending of PCT documents (e.g. PCT Forms, letters) on paper.

If you are a filer who has not, until now, gotten set up to be paperless with PCT, then I strongly urge you to attend two free webinars which will take place on Wednesday, April 1 and Thursday, April 2.  In these webinars, you will:

  • Learn how to get a WIPO user ID and password for access to ePCT, the electronic system for PCT applications.
  • Learn why each person in your office must have his or her own WIPO user ID and password (no sharing)
  • Learn how to set up two-factor authentication on your WIPO user ID and password (what WIPO calls “strong authentication”).
  • Learn how to do e-handshakes with colleagues in your office so that you can give each other access to files.

In your existing and pending PCT applications, maybe you have not already provided an email address which WIPO and the International Searching Authority and the International Preliminary Examining Authority can use to send you correspondence electronically rather than on paper.  In this webinar, learn how to provide such an email address to WIPO for this purpose for your existing and pending PCT applications.

The ePCT system has a function that is similar to Private PAIR in that it permits you to see the content and status of your pending PCT applications even if they have not yet been published, just as Private PAIR lets you see the content and status of your pending US application.  In this webinar, learn how to gain access to your pending PCT applications in ePCT.  In other words, learn how to use the feature of ePCT that is similar to Private PAIR with your existing and pending PCT applications.

When you file a new PCT application tomorrow or next week, you simply must file it in such a way that you will be able to see it in the part of ePCT that is similar to Private PAIR.  In this webinar, learn what you need to do when you are filing a new PCT application so that you will be able to see it in the part of ePCT that is similar to Private PAIR.   

Going forward, you absolutely need to not send anything on paper to WIPO.  In this webinar, learn how to use the DAS system to send electronic certified copies of priority applications to WIPO (instead of physical certified copies).  Learn how to use ePCT to send other communications to WIPO.  Learn the difference between “ePCT actions” and “ePCT uploads” and learn which is better for you to use.

  • To register for the free-of-charge Part-1 webinar, click here
  • To register for the free-of-charge Part-2 webinar, click here.

Please understand that the Part-1 webinar is an absolute prerequisite for the Part-2 webinar.  You absolutely must attend Part 1 if you are going to attend Part 2.

Your presenter is Carl Oppedahl.  Carl has lectured frequently about Best Practices for e-filing of PCT applications.  

Trademark Office snoozes through it again

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(Updated:  Now on March 30, this case has passed Final Review prior to publication.  The Final Review person also snoozed through the fact of the applicant having failed to reveal its domicile to the Trademark Office.)

The Trademark Office is so lacking in uniformity in its efforts to inquire into where a trademark applicant sleeps at night.  Here’s yet another example of the Trademark Office letting an applicant get away with not revealing to the Trademark Office where it sleeps at night. This is the same Trademark Office that has told me that it will cancel my trademark registration unless I reveal where I sleep at night. Continue reading “Trademark Office snoozes through it again”

In the US, does an employer own an invention made by an employee?

A very bright European patent practitioner asked this in the EFS-Web listserv:

From I know and have been taught, there are no provisions in the US law stipulating that an employer automatically becomes the owner of an invention made by an employee (which is why we have to make sure that assignments are signed and recorded).

Could anyone direct me to the relevant statute in the US law?

His question inspired the blog article that follows. Continue reading “In the US, does an employer own an invention made by an employee?”

Time of day at RO/IB returns to normal for US filers

On March 8 I blogged that US filers filing documents at the International Bureau needed to pay extra close attention to what time it is in Switzerland.  The reason is that in the US, Daylight Saving Time happened on March 8.  But did not happen on that day in Switzerland.  This meant that for the past three weeks, a US-based filer in (for example) the Mountain Time zone would be able to e-file in the IB as late as 5PM and still get a same-day filing date.  This differed from the usual drop-dead time of 4PM.

Today (March 29, 2020) is the day that Daylight Saving Time happens in Switzerland. Continue reading “Time of day at RO/IB returns to normal for US filers”

Trademark Office misses a chance to demand that a trademark owner reveal where it sleeps at night

As I have pointed out in earlier blog articles, the Trademark Office has been very inquisitive as to the street address where its trademark applicants sleep at night.  I have also pointed out in earlier blog articles that to the extent the Trademark Office wants to be consistent and thorough about this, the Trademark Office should not discard the CMRA information which USPS provides to the Trademark Office.  

The Trademark Office looks up every address of every trademark applicant in the USPS’s address verification API, and the USPS returns not only a verified address, but also a data field that reveals whether that address is or is not a Commercial Mail Receiving Agency.  In other words the USPS rats out the applicant that is using a post office box or a UPS Store or a Mailboxes Etc. to avoid revealing where he or she or it sleeps at night.

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Here is a concrete example of the Trademark Office passing up a chance to force an applicant to reveal to the Trademark Office where it sleeps at night.  It is US trademark application number 88745070 which you can see here.  When USPTO looked up the applicant’s address, the USPS said “Y” in the CMRA field, as you can see here.  In fact this address is a post office address.  101 West Goodwin Street is a US post office, and the number 3849 is the post office box of the applicant.

But the Trademark Office discarded that information.  The Trademark Office has mailed an Office Action that says nothing about the need for the applicant to reveal to the Trademark Office where it sleeps at night.

I wonder whether the Trademark Office, subsequent to the posting of this blog article, will mail another Office Action requiring the applicant to reveal to the Trademark Office where it sleeps at night?